Friday, July 4, 2014

Palestinians are Rioting the Streets

A few days ago, a Palestinian sixteen year old, Mohammed Abu was found dead after being kidnapped in East Jerusalem. His body was later discovered in a nearby forest with burns covering his body. 

A few days ago, three Israeli Orthodox Jewish teenagers were found dead in a ditch after getting kidnapped by Palestinians while hitchhiking in the west bank.

Immediately afterward, news reports and online web articles were popping up all over with headlines blaming Israeli Jews for killing the Palestinian boy.

Although I don’t believe that any Jewish person would burn a person alive under any circumstance, there are reasons why an Israeli person could have done such a thing.

A few days ago after the tragic death of Eyal, Gilad, Naftali, the entire country of Israel was in shock and was mourning the three teenagers. One could expect that some Israelis would retaliate after such a harmful blow to the state, and considering how Palestinians and Israelis are enemies an Israeli attack on a Palestinian boy seems somewhat probable.

However we have no proof. We have no proof that an Israeli Jew struck a match and burned a Palestinian boy to death. We also have no proof that a Palestinian burned his own child to death.

Recent reports are still undetermined as to who is responsible for the death of Muhammad as of July 4, 2014.

Meanwhile, Palestinians are rioting the streets of East Jerusalem putting blame on the extreme right winged Jews for the cause of the death of Muhammad, but they don’t have any evidence to support themselves of their claim.

How can someone form a conclusion without sufficient evidence to prove his or her claim?

---Johnny Scher

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