Thursday, June 26, 2014

Israel’s opportunity: Why Israel’s media problem is not really a problem, rather an opportunity

“For media, bad news is good news, so bad Jews are excellent news!,” said Yigal Palmor, the spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Jewish people and the state of Israel have had their fair share of PR and newspaper headlines over the years. 

On June 25th, at the first ever Jewish Media Summit in Jerusalem, Israel, we were allowed an inside look into Israel in the media by some of the leading Jewish journalists in our world today. Palmor spoke on a panel about the issues of Israel in the media. His view was fresh and optimistic, and he approached the age-old problem with humor and insight. 

Palmor expressed that Israel’s image problem, “should not be seen as a tragedy but an opportunity.” This specifically resonated with me. Palmor also expressed that Israel’s ever present appearance in the news is not necessarily a bad thing, we just have to find the right approach, He said, “how many people know the prime minister of Sweden?” A lot of what people hear about Israel is myth and stories and the only way to counteract that without losing the media’s interest is to show what’s real. According to Palmor eighty percent of Jews have never even been to Israel. This is their opportunity! Palmor expressed the importance for those people to go to Israel and learn the truth so we can fight the media with passion and facts. 

In essence what Palmor was saying is that having press isn’t bad, after all people know about us. Instead of dwelling on the bad things that are being said about Jews and Israel use it as an opportunity to engage yourself, immerse yourself in culture and religion and fight back with the truth. 

This particular view resonates with me in terms of our Israel trip in the sense that when the goings are rough, you should not give up. Take a step back and approach the situation with a fresh mind and know that it is just an opportunity, you just have to figure out how.

-Sarah Eylon

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